
Girl Genius has Higher IQ Than Einstein

Have you heard of Nishi Uggalle? The 13-year-old genius has a higher IQ than Einstein and spends her free time working on complicated math just for fun and reading philosophy. When she took MENSA’s IQ test, she received a 162—the highest score possible. (Albert Einstein is said to have an IQ of 160). Nishi says that Stephen Hawking is her idol and she hopes to follow in his footsteps and become a theoretical physicist. Her parents insist that they’re not pushy at all, encouraging her to put down her books and “come watch TV.” So, what does a child genius do for fun (besides academics)? She is teaching herself how to play piano and she builds remote-control Lego robots—without any instructions, of course! You can read more about Nishi in this article:


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