
New Research Indicates Cinnamon Can Improve Your Memory and Ability to Learn

New research published in “Neuroimmune Pharmacology” indicates that in mice, poor learners improved their memory and learning ability after eating cinnamon, and they think the results will transfer to humans. How does it work?

According to the study, the cinnamon alters the proteins associated with poor learning. Metabolizing cinnamon turns it into sodium benzoate, which increases a good protein (CREB) and decreases the bad proteins (GABRA5)that affect the brain.

One caveat: Not all cinnamon is created equal. In the U.S., you can get Chinese cinnamon, which has a molecule associated with liver damage, or the Ceylon cinnamon, which is purer and better for you.

Ready to add the versatile spice to your cuisine? Check out these “25 Ways to Use Cinnamon” on the Cooking Channel.

To read more about the research on cinnamon, click here.

If you’re looking for a more intensive boost to learning, consider enrolling your child in LearningRx one-on-one brain training.

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